CBD is a natural compound gotten from the Cannabis plant or hemp. The CBD and the THC are different in composition but complement each other and almost work hand in hand. Did you know that at least 6 out of 10 people who use CBD for treatment are mostly treating chronic pain and inflammation on their bodies and a big percentage of that becomes successful? This is partly because it has minimal side effects and a very low risk of addiction. CBD is gaining popularity as an alternative way of treating various pain-related conditions, in the case of drugs not providing a solution 

Humans have the endocannabinoid [ECS] that acts as a cell signaling system. Various research has shown that CBD reacts with a component of the ECS and creates a response that relieves pain. The research has been prevalent in at least four areas of pain i.e.  

  • Neuropathic pain 
  • Cancer pain 
  • Fibromyalgia 
  • Arthritis pain relief 

Arthritis pain relief 

A study done in 2016 showed that when CBD oil is used correctly, led to a reduction of inflammation and reduced pain experienced by rats. The findings however need more research on human beings. It has proven multiple times to reduce pain from arthritis. CBD helps manage the pain of arthritis however, there is an exception to that as results vary from one person to the other  

Cancer treatment relief 

The NCI [National Cancer Institute] noted that CBD helps reduce treatment side effects such as nausea, pain, and poor appetite. This however should not be an alternative to cancer medication, rather a compliment. CBD has an impact on the way the receptors respond to the signals, which helps minimize the pain. 

Relief of migraine pain 

Several studies for this category have always been combined as THC and CBD. A combination of these two has proven to reduce extreme pain from migraines that could last anywhere between 4-72 hours  

Chronic neuropathic pain 

This pain is triggered by damage to the sensory stimuli system. This pain is often associated with people battling multiple sclerosis and diabetes. When taken the intensity of the pain reduces and offers pain relief. This kind of pain requires a combination of both CBD and THC  


When CBD gets in contact with the ECS it sends signals to decrease the swellings and cut out on the pain. This way treats some painful symptoms and not the condition in its entirety per se 

These chronic pains are one of the main reasons for CBD use and its growing demand. More often than not this is usually the last resort for patients who have nowhere else to run to. Before trying out the CBD talk to your doctor for directions.