What is Cannabis Indica?

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Cannabis Indica is a crop grown on an annual basis from the cannabaceae species. 


It is highly favoured as a plant that is used to produce cloth. 


Based on its very close relationship to Cannabis Sativa, it bears a very high amount of THC. 


Value of Cannabis Indica. 

Cannabis Indica is harvested for two main reasons. 


The first reason is for the fibres which are used to make clothes and many other fabrics. 


The second reason is that it contains a high level of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). 


THC is the chemical that contributes to the feeling of getting “high”. 


It is for these stronger effects boost the reasons many users tend to use Cannabis Indica as a recreational and medicinal drug. 


Here Are The Most Popular Indica Strains. 

Do-Si- Dos is one of the most popular strains in  the Marijuana world. 


On looks, it is very bright and attractive to the eyes. 


Its effects are widely known for medicinal treatment – mostly as a sedative. 


It is considered a very potent and effective drug. 


King Louis contains about 21 percent of THC. 


These are very strong levels that create intoxicating effects to the user 


King Louis is known for its scent that resembles a pine tree. 


It is primarily consumed as a recreational drug. 


Its effects range from sleepiness, hunger, elation to happiness. 


Dolatos is a brightly colored fruity plant from the marijuana strain of Indica. 


It is popularly consumed for its very relaxing effects on the body. 


It is mainly recommended as a stress reliever. 


Master Kush is a very widely recommended strain of the Indica plant. 


It has been recorded to have a fruity and earthy scent, with a hint of incense. 


Its effects range from happiness to euphoria. In summary lt gives the whole body an overwhelming sense of relaxation. 


It is also known to boost mental awareness, making a user more alert to his or her surroundings. 


Purple Punch keeps you feeling happy and relaxed. 


It helps improve sleep, rids the body of aches and reduces stress. 


It has a fascinating scent of a sweet grape, hence enhancing its appeal to both the eye and nose (our key senses) 


Berry White is a strain that is combined from two different species forming a hybrid. 


It has an interesting blue and light coloured haze, and has a pine scent. 


8ts effects are very helpful in stirring up a creative mind , and can also be used to relieve anxiety. 


Many people say it contributes to improved conversation. 


Should Cannabis Indica Be Legalized? 


This remains a moral dilemma in today’s society. 


On one hand, cannabis is useful as a very relaxing and harmless recreational herb. 


On the other hand, it has pushed the boundaries in medicine as there have been increased cases of successfully treating patients with Cannabis. 


Overall, the effects of Cannabis on the human body are reduced levels of anxiety, stress, pain and improves relaxation. 


Whether this is a good or bad thing, the choice is up to you. 

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