CBD and cannabis uses to treat insomnia

Lack of sleep can affect a person’s productivity and quality of life because they’ll always feel tired and distracted. Health professionals have determined that individuals can use CBD and cannabis to treat insomnia, giving hope to people who have no clue about their sleeplessness. If you’re looking for a way to fight insomnia, don’t shy away from using CBD or cannabis, but ensure to obtain information on the benefits and disadvantages of doing this. Only adopt this strategy if you’re sure that the benefits outweigh the disadvantages to avoid adding to your health-related conditions. Gain insights from as many people as possible and read many online articles speaking to this matter. 


Stress relief – one of the reasons behind sleeping for the recommended number of hours is stress. If you’re constantly thinking about the things going wrong in your life, you’ll probably stay awake for longer hours. You can use CBD and cannabis to treat insomnia because consuming these drugs will result in calmness, making you forget about your challenges. On waking up with a clear head, it will be easier for you to think clearly and develop strategies to do away with the things or people stressing you. However, ensure to consume under guidance from a specialist to avoid taking too much than your body can handle. 


Pain relief – insomnia can also be caused by experiencing pain in a particular body part. Without receiving the proper medication, it may be challenging for you to enjoy uninterrupted hours of sleep. By ingesting these drugs, you’ll experience less or no pain, meaning that it will be possible to sleep for as long as you want. Your decision to keep using CBD and cannabis to treat insomnia should remain in effect only if you’re not experiencing too much pain after the drugs wear off. It wouldn’t be wise to compromise one health condition to another, as the goal is to improve your overall life’s quality. 


Risk of psychoactive behavior – if you do not follow your prescription and end up overdosing, there is a chance that you’ll become hyper, which can lead to being unpredictable in a negative way. Ensure to obtain guidance from an educated person on ingestion of these drugs beforehand. Also, acquire CBD and cannabis-related products from legitimate sellers to avoid buying fake ones. On realizing that the effects of consuming them aren’t at par with your expectations, stop using these rugs immediately. Otherwise, you’ll become an addict, and reversing such a situation isn’t easy. 



As explained, irregular sleeping patterns are not suitable for your health and work productivity. If you choose to use CBD or cannabis products to help with your issue, let your decision be justifiable. Remember that this decision may be followed by a couple of downsides that may compromise your life. Failure to consider all possible outcomes will lead to instances where you’ll wish you had gone with other techniques. Please don’t rush into adopting the first strategy you hear without determining whether it’s the best decision for you or not. Remember that people do not react in the same way to various products, so acting like your friends or acquaintances isn’t an option. 

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CBD is a natural compound gotten from the Cannabis plant or hemp. The CBD and the THC are different in composition but complement each other and almost work hand in hand. Did you know that at least 6 out of 10 people who use CBD for treatment are mostly treating chronic pain and inflammation on their bodies and a big percentage of that becomes successful? This is partly because it has minimal side effects and a very low risk of addiction. CBD is gaining popularity as an alternative way of treating various pain-related conditions, in the case of drugs not providing a solution 

Humans have the endocannabinoid [ECS] that acts as a cell signaling system. Various research has shown that CBD reacts with a component of the ECS and creates a response that relieves pain. The research has been prevalent in at least four areas of pain i.e.  

  • Neuropathic pain 
  • Cancer pain 
  • Fibromyalgia 
  • Arthritis pain relief 

Arthritis pain relief 

A study done in 2016 showed that when CBD oil is used correctly, led to a reduction of inflammation and reduced pain experienced by rats. The findings however need more research on human beings. It has proven multiple times to reduce pain from arthritis. CBD helps manage the pain of arthritis however, there is an exception to that as results vary from one person to the other  

Cancer treatment relief 

The NCI [National Cancer Institute] noted that CBD helps reduce treatment side effects such as nausea, pain, and poor appetite. This however should not be an alternative to cancer medication, rather a compliment. CBD has an impact on the way the receptors respond to the signals, which helps minimize the pain. 

Relief of migraine pain 

Several studies for this category have always been combined as THC and CBD. A combination of these two has proven to reduce extreme pain from migraines that could last anywhere between 4-72 hours  

Chronic neuropathic pain 

This pain is triggered by damage to the sensory stimuli system. This pain is often associated with people battling multiple sclerosis and diabetes. When taken the intensity of the pain reduces and offers pain relief. This kind of pain requires a combination of both CBD and THC  


When CBD gets in contact with the ECS it sends signals to decrease the swellings and cut out on the pain. This way treats some painful symptoms and not the condition in its entirety per se 

These chronic pains are one of the main reasons for CBD use and its growing demand. More often than not this is usually the last resort for patients who have nowhere else to run to. Before trying out the CBD talk to your doctor for directions. 

What is Cannabis Indica?

Cannabis Indica is a crop grown on an annual basis from the cannabaceae species. 


It is highly favoured as a plant that is used to produce cloth. 


Based on its very close relationship to Cannabis Sativa, it bears a very high amount of THC. 


Value of Cannabis Indica. 

Cannabis Indica is harvested for two main reasons. 


The first reason is for the fibres which are used to make clothes and many other fabrics. 


The second reason is that it contains a high level of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). 


THC is the chemical that contributes to the feeling of getting “high”. 


It is for these stronger effects boost the reasons many users tend to use Cannabis Indica as a recreational and medicinal drug. 


Here Are The Most Popular Indica Strains. 

Do-Si- Dos is one of the most popular strains in  the Marijuana world. 


On looks, it is very bright and attractive to the eyes. 


Its effects are widely known for medicinal treatment – mostly as a sedative. 


It is considered a very potent and effective drug. 


King Louis contains about 21 percent of THC. 


These are very strong levels that create intoxicating effects to the user 


King Louis is known for its scent that resembles a pine tree. 


It is primarily consumed as a recreational drug. 


Its effects range from sleepiness, hunger, elation to happiness. 


Dolatos is a brightly colored fruity plant from the marijuana strain of Indica. 


It is popularly consumed for its very relaxing effects on the body. 


It is mainly recommended as a stress reliever. 


Master Kush is a very widely recommended strain of the Indica plant. 


It has been recorded to have a fruity and earthy scent, with a hint of incense. 


Its effects range from happiness to euphoria. In summary lt gives the whole body an overwhelming sense of relaxation. 


It is also known to boost mental awareness, making a user more alert to his or her surroundings. 


Purple Punch keeps you feeling happy and relaxed. 


It helps improve sleep, rids the body of aches and reduces stress. 


It has a fascinating scent of a sweet grape, hence enhancing its appeal to both the eye and nose (our key senses) 


Berry White is a strain that is combined from two different species forming a hybrid. 


It has an interesting blue and light coloured haze, and has a pine scent. 


8ts effects are very helpful in stirring up a creative mind , and can also be used to relieve anxiety. 


Many people say it contributes to improved conversation. 


Should Cannabis Indica Be Legalized? 


This remains a moral dilemma in today’s society. 


On one hand, cannabis is useful as a very relaxing and harmless recreational herb. 


On the other hand, it has pushed the boundaries in medicine as there have been increased cases of successfully treating patients with Cannabis. 


Overall, the effects of Cannabis on the human body are reduced levels of anxiety, stress, pain and improves relaxation. 


Whether this is a good or bad thing, the choice is up to you. 

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Magic Mushrooms and Cancer Patients

A recent study has proven that “magic mushrooms,” provide relief to cancer patients. Specifically, the compound “psilocybin,” has been shown to provide cancer patients with long term relief from anxiety and depression. Magic mushrooms and cancer patients could be a long-term pairing for studies as shown by the findings produced by research first conducted in 2016 by researchers at the NYC Grossman School of Medicine. Psilocybin therapy comes as a promising new way to improve the emotional, and psychological wellbeing of individuals experiencing life-threatening cancer.  

Cancer patients were treated with a single dose of psilocybin, paired with psychotherapy. Patients showed benefits from the measures on emotional distress up to 5 years after the therapy. They reported improved well-being or satisfaction with their lives. Also, the treatments were rated as being “among the most personally meaningful and spiritually significant experiences of their lives.” 

Psilocybin and the exact way it works are yet to be fully understood. The compound is believed to make the brain more flexible and malleable to new thought patterns and ideas. The default mode network is affected, an area of the brain that lights up when we engage in self-reflection and when our minds wander, helping us maintain our sense of self. 

For anyone dealing with anxiety and depression, this part of the brain becomes especially active, causing excessive worrying and overthinking. Psilocybin is understood to affect activity in this part of the brain by giving it a sort of jolt. This helps an individual take a step back to a broader perspective on their behaviors and lives. Though a possible remedy, researchers still advise against attempts to self-medicate using the compound.  

Magic mushrooms and cancer patients are observed in a controlled and psychologically safe environment, in coordination with mental health practitioners. Similar to other psychedelics, psilocybin affects the brain’s serotonin transmitter, imitating the chemical effects of serotonin and affecting the individual in a range of subjective ways. 

In most cases, psychedelic drugs affect the temporal lobe of the brain. This has to do with functions involved in memory and emotion. Abnormal activity in the temporal lobe has in the past been described as being similar to neardeath experiences. Similarly, psychedelics increase the amount of disorganization in the brain, described as being “higher in entropy.” 

Magic mushrooms and cancer patients present a potential long term and durable strategy as a measure against depression and anxiety in cancer patients and in decreasing the risk factors for suicide. In 2018 the World Health Organization recorded 18 million cases of cancer. Research has shown depression to be a common factor among cancer patients in the general population.  

Studies are still ongoing into psilocybin as a viable method of therapy for dealing with depression in cancer patients. The study has limitations, for instance, the small number of patients monitored in the rails and an overlap with the previous trial. However, trials do provide useful data and assurance in developing depression resistant treatments. Multiple studies have shown benefits in using psilocybin together with supportive therapy. It has the potential to transform how we care for cancer patients and can be used in psychological care settings to help terminally ill cancer patients by giving them improved emotional and spiritual well-being.   

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Choosing Life for your Pet

Have you ever wondered why some pets appear to be super animals? Ever watched a pet perform a task that even a human friend would dividedly want to do for someone, even a friend? Recently I was surprised to watch on some channel, a dog commanded to go pick a beer from the refrigerator, while its owner is resting on some bed, opens the fridge, picks one of those beers, and leaves it unlocked until commanded again to go and perform the other task, closing the refrigerator! 

 CBD works for both pets as well as the pet owners. Now, if you would like options to change the habit of administering CBD on your pet, you can decide to cheer up your pet through a number of ways. Firstly, you should consider the reason your pets so badly need the CBD, and then from this build ways of making it up for them, to keep their lives free and peaceful. 

There are definite reasons why you would come to the point of changing the lifestyle of your pet. For example, the CBD in its many packaging’s is as different as the packaging. What one company has would be different from what the other has, and the effects would vary. The THC content varies too, and this defines how good the CBD works for your pet. 

¤ What do other pet owners say and do? 

Your pet is not the only pet, but it is definitely unique for you. You are not the only pet lover ether! People have kept unimaginable pets hiding in their homes, like monkeys! Now your cat your dog needs attention, and care just like your neighbor does! Consider learning the habits of such a pet owner, whose pet you adore. 

¤ Spent time with your pet 

Pets, like families need time. For your pet to have that attachment, you need to learn from it. What does it like? What doesn’t it like? What food works best for it? And as you spent time with your pet, you will come up with all kinds of things to make your pets life, a paradise living. Never forget the fact that your pet is limited to your thinking, and it will become whatever you want it to become. A friend of mine once told me that pets from specific families resemble such families, and I have come to totally agree. 

¤ Love your pet 

Animals can rate your love towards it, nay, they even do so on what or who you come into contact with, in their presence! You cannot lie to yourself; you cannot lie to your pet. Surprises of pet food works best to prove your care for them. What they like and at times new things for them. 

¤ Have your pet checked by a vet 

Regular checkups on your pet will not only be good for your pet, but for you too. Your vet will have you know whether you are safe around your pet. If you pet is aggressive, and you don’t want to administer CBD to it, you can call your vet and the problem is solved! 

Pets are living just like you are. What you feel, they feel. They feel pain when hurt and their spirits leave their bodies when they die. Value you pet, choose life for it get info about cannabis. 

5 Simple Ways on How to Self Isolate with Cannabis

Cannabis is a drug that can be abused by those who use it. However, despite being abused by other people, cannabis has several health benefits; it can fight cancer, treat nausea, relieve arthritis, treat glaucoma, and many more health complications.

Sometimes people disassociate themselves feom those who smoke cannabis because they consider them as people who have no good values ​​in society. Such people are those who do not understand the importance of this drug in human health.

The people who use cannabis for health protection may have a difficult time when they find themselves among those who look down upon them. So, in this article, we discuss five simple ways on how to self isolate with cannabis:

Always Smoke Alone

Smoking is one of the leading methods of cannabis consumption Look for an environment where there are no other people during the time of smoking. For example, you can lock yourself into your room and use it to a level that is not harming your health more instead of improving it.

Brew Cannabis Tea

One of the ways on how to self isolate with cannabis is to take cannabis tea. Making cannabis tea is very simple. It doesn’t require a complicated recipe. When you make your drink, put some marijuana leaves inside so that it can boil inside it. In this way, you can drink your tea without anyone discovering that you are using marijuana.

Take it in the form of THC Capsules

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) pills are capsules containing cannabinoids, which are the extract of the cannabis plant. In most cases, capsules are used as a form of medication to recover from some pain. Using marijuana in the form of a capsule can be a good way of isolating yourself from non-users. So this method can save you from stigmatization from members of the society who abhor the use of marijuana.

Use THC Spray

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) sprays are primarily tinctures that have been put in spray bottles. THC sprays are convenient, quick, effective, and discrete. You only have to spritz quickly into your mouth, and you’re done. It is such a great way to use marijuana. It’s simple, and it’s also very private.

Consume Cannabis Edibles

Edibles are food products that have cannabinoids in them, especially THC. Making them may take some time, but can make the most delicious way to consume your cannabis.

When you eat edibles, it cannot be clear that you are using cannabis. So this may be one of the best ways on how to self isolate with cannabis.


Even though some people may harbor the use of cannabis for supposedly being addictive to some people, there are various ways that this drug contributes to human health.

The distinct users of this drug should not be looked down upon as they may be using it for ways to improve their health. That’s why these five simple ways on how to self isolate with cannabis can be helpful to persons who are undergoing stigmatization for using cannabis best vaping cartridge.

The cons of using CBD

Whenever you are making a choice on whether to use CBD or not, it is important to consider both its pros and cons, so that you can make an informed choice. CBD without any doubt comes along it very many benefits which you need to consider when making the choice. Some of the benefits that you get by using CBD includes, it comes in different forms of consumption, it is suitable for long term use, it is natural, it does not have psychoactive elements and suitable to both animals and humans among others. Nonetheless, the same CBD also comes along with its cons. below are some of these cons of using CBD.  

The products are expensive  

One of the top con for CBD is that products which contain the compound tend to be expensive. This is due to the extensive work that goes into extracting the compound from the hemp plant. In addition, the process of extracting the compound from the hemp plant takes time and thus the high cost. Nonetheless, it is worth noting that CBD although costly, is very effective in what it does to your body. Therefore, in case you want to leap the benefits of CBD, then it is incumbent upon you to dig deeper into your pockets. This is where you weigh the benefits that you get from CBD and the amount of money that you are needed to cough out.  

Becomes less effective over time 

Another shortcoming that CBD comes along with is that it becomes less and less effective over time. This is because when your body notices that you use CBD on a daily basis, it become used to the compound and thus does not react the same as the first time. This in turn makes people to increase their CBD intake so that it can be effective. Nonetheless, besides this leading you to making losses, it also affects your body functioning. That is why you are advised to take breaks whenever you are using CBD compound, whenever you feel that its effects are diminishing. Nonetheless, it is not advisable to overdose CBD as it can have adverse effects on your body.  

It affects everyone differently  

It is worth noting from the onset that CBD reacts differently in different bodies. This therefore means that while the effects of CBD can be positive for one person, they can be negative for another person. That is why there is no universal and perfect dosage of the CBD that you should ingest. That is why you are advised to try different modes of consuming CBD, so that you can know which one best fits your body. You need first to experiment whether it works for you or not, before buying the compound.  

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Edible marijuana can be classified into different categories depending on the type in which they occur or how they are ingested into the body. Edible foods, marijuana infused edible drinks, edible capsules, edible powders and marijuana edible tinctures are some categories. Marijuana tinctures are marijuana extracts which are either alcohol-based or plant base and more specifically vegetable glycerin based. Of the two, alcohol is the best recommended solvent in the process of extracting the tincture. 

Why alcohol? 

Alcohol and especially ethanol   is hailed as very effective in breaking down all the acidulous and alkaline components of the marijuana plant hence ensuring an effective extraction of the chemical compounds leading to a better and purer extract. While plant based solvents can also be used, they may not efficiently and effectively be able to extract all the chemical compounds from the marijuana plant. 

Classification of marijuana tinctures 

Marijuana tinctures are classified into two main groups. The first group is the TCH tincture characterized with psychoactive high properties. The other category of Marijuana tincture is the CBD tincture whose unique usefulness includes treatment of high blood pressure, convulsions, bone degeneration, seizures and spasms, cancerous cell growth and artery blockage among other many commendable benefits. 

How to use marijuana tinctures? 

One way to use tincture is the beneath the tongue delivery method.  In this method, you measure the amount you desire to take and then drop them into your sublingual part of the mouth- under the tongue. A dropper such as an eye dropper can be used in the process. Absorption of the tincture into the blood stream occurs through osmosis process 

Ingestion is another way in which you can use a marijuana tincture. Add the tincture into food or beverages which you are about to eat.  

Onset and duration of effects 

Within half an hour after sublingual administration of the marijuana tincture, the appropriate effects, depending on whether CBD or THC was used, will occur. These effects will last for a good 2-4 hours after onset. In contrast, ingestion administered tincture effects start being felt after half an hour to an hour and thirty minutes and the effects as expected, would last longer between four to eight hours. This extended period of time can be attributed to metabolism processes that are involved until the tincture is released into the blood stream. 


Which is the best way to use marijuana tincture? 

This first of all is depended on the preferences of the user in terms of how long one wishes to wait until effects occur and how long one would wish to experience the effects. Still, If one prefers a more pure marijuana tincture into his blood system, sublingual method would be more advisable because absorption is direct into the blood stream and there is no mixing with food and other gastric components as would be the case with ingestion where digestion is involved. 


Tinctures, while seen as just another route of administration, is a more effective way, in terms of speed and purity, of delivering marijuana into the body system compared to other edibles like foods and marijuana infused drinks.  Caution should be exercised by beginners and it is recommended to start with two to three drops of marijuana tincture for the new timers in order to avoid undesired effects.  

Reasons you shouldn’t invest in Canada’s top cannabis stocks

When making a selection, there are always reasons for and against the choice you make. This means that you have to study both of these sides very carefully. Failure to do this, might see you make a decision that is not justified. When deciding on an appropriate investment, most especially, it is important for your choice to be justifiable. This will ensure that all your money does not go down the drain. The cannabis business has become very popular in Canada due to the legalization of medical marijuana High THC. It has seen very many persons invest in cannabis stocks with an aim to make more money. However, as attractive as this may seem, the following are reasons you shouldn’t invest in Canada’s top cannabis stocks:

  1. Black market existence – even with cannabis’ legalization, the black market is still able to attract a considerable number of customers. This is a disadvantage to the economy in that involved dealers do not pay taxes. Owing to this, their cost of production is lowered meaning that the final cannabis prices are low. This is one feature that makes the black market desirable. It is likely that illegal dealers will find a way to attract customers from the company you invest in. This might mean devaluation of your company stocks over an extended period. 
  2. Possibilities of future regulations – this industry is very sensitive as it deals with offering products that can be harmful to the human body. If, for instance, a lot of harm is identified in the future, restrictive government regulations might be put in place. These may limit the rate at which your company operates thus resulting in reduced profits. If this happens, then the cannabis stocks you invested in might not be as profitable as expected.
  3. Lack of enough differentiation – for any company to be profitable, it must have the differentiation ability. This means providing something different in comparison to its competitors. For instance, a five star hotel hoping to the best should provide what its competitors are unable to. This will then prompt similar hotels to do the same. As a result of this, healthy competition will be enhanced thus resulting in the industry’s growth. Most cannabis companies offer the same deals to all their customers. This means that a customer may not have enough reasons in terms of why they buy from their legal cannabis dealer. Owing to this, cannabis stocks across the board may be equally priced. This means that your investment in a certain cannabis stock is no different from another person’s
  4. Demand uncertainty – this is mostly due to the black market’s existence. Most cannabis companies and growers tend to push the product even if they are uncertain of whether or not people will buy. This then results in oversupply of cannabis which then lowers down the price with an aim to attract as many customers as possible. 

The most important thing is carrying out a lot of research before investing in anything. You should make a decision based on future expectations of the business to thrive. If you are unable to make the decision on your own, consult an economics’ expert. 

Strains of glory

The evolution in the use of cannabis in the world has grown tremendously over time. Once only known for its intoxication and addictive use, research has shown that this award winning plant is far more useful than previously perceived. Cannabis, also known as marijuana has become a beacon in medical use. Some countries such as Canada and The United States of America has since legalized the use of cannabis. This plant can now be used both for medicinal as well as recreational purposes .Cannabis is mainly used by smoking but can also be consumed by  blending with food or drinks as well as vaporizing. Medical cannabis can be used as a sedative or pain reliever. The medicinal elements in cannabis are known as tetra hydro cannabis (THC)

Strongest winners

Some of the winners known to contain the highest amount of tetra hydro cannabis include;

  • Straw berry banana which is of the Indica sativa lineage is known to produce a euphoric feeling. It is a cross between banana Kush and bubble gum. It has won awards mainly because it is loaded with THC of between twenty two and twenty six percent. It has a highly fruiting bud and is not completely sedative. It provides a deep relaxation and mental high. It is mainly effective in the evening as it promotes sleep.
  • Purple Kush can contain up to twenty seven percent tetra hydro cannabis. It is a mixed breed between Hindu Kush and Purple Afghan. It has a deep sedation and is a very effective pain reliever. It is one of the most valuable medical cannabis and best used at night time as it causes drowsiness. It also has a numbing effect.
  • Death star in mainly Indica dominant. It is a cross between Sensi Star and Sour Diesel. It is a hybrid and very powerful sedative. It contains between twenty and twenty six percent THC. It is very useful when it comes to fighting stress and worries. It is considered highly euphoric as it promotes laughter and a sense of well -being. It is eighty percent Indica and most users have indications of drowsiness, relaxation or even lack of motivation.
  • Ice wreck is technically considered a hybrid. It is a cross between Ice and Train Wreck and contains twenty seven percent tetra hydro cannabis. It is known to have serious drowsiness effect. However it is good for cerebral stimulation and has a heavy hitting relaxing effect.
  • G 13 is one of the strais shrouded in myths. Some say it escaped from a breeding experiment funded by the USA government. Whatever the case it is the best choice for experienced users. It contains between twenty to twenty four tetra hydro cannabis (THC). It provides a powerful euphoric high. It is best for night use as it encourages body relaxation and heavy eyelids
  • Kosher Kush is generally considered a Californian strain of unknown Indica heritage. It is bred by use of DNA genetics. It has a strong herbal aroma with lemon and pine. It contains between twenty to twenty five percent tetra hydra cannabis. It is known to cause drowsiness and therefore best for night use. However, it is also known to make users talkative and is useful for recreational users

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