Things you should know about CBD and THC

CBD and THC are both compounds found in marijuana. Many people think that these compounds are similar but they have well-defined differences. They play different roles in the body. Besides that, they also have some similarities. People need to get a clear understanding of the compounds.

Comparison of CBD vs THC

Psychoactive properties

THC compounds are a higher psychoactive response. This means the THC user gets a high sensation from it. On the other hand, CBD is considered to be non-psychoactive. CBD users do don get that high compared to THC users. For this reason, CBD is known to have a lot of health benefits.

CBD vs THC in the medical field

Both compounds have medicinal benefits though separately. CBD has many of these benefits. It connects the user’s body’s cannabinoid receptor and this helps to treat or calm down various body problems. Such problems include arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and cancer treatment.

CBD also has another health benefit to the body in treating more mild everyday issues such as sleep, brain health, etc.THC on the other hand has its benefits though not many.  Its know to relieve any pain symptoms associated with chronic pain and nausea.

Side effects

As you all know, the use of any drug is accompanied by some side effects. CBD is not known to have any noticeable side effects even when used in large doses. Research has shown CBD users have no signs of toxicity or serious side effects. This makes CBD very safe.

THC has well-known side effects. These side effects may be increased heart rate, coordination problems, and memory loss. It has other physically exhibited side effects such as dry mouths, red eyes, and slower time reaction of the user. Psychoactive properties in THC are responsible for all these side effects.

Ingestion methods

In this one, the comparisons were properties of CBD vs THC rhym.  They are consumed in the same way. Some of this way commonly used for consumption of these two compounds are smoking, vaping, oil intake, and edibles.


Relating to the given facts, CBD seems better than THC. This is because it has a lot of health benefits. THC is also not soo bad and therefore whether to use CBD or THC would be determined by the user’s preference.

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