Weed, cannabis, or marijuana is dried leaves from Cannabis Indica and Cannabis Sativa plants. The most common way to use weed is by smoking or eating it. The THC chemical in weed can lead to unpredictable reactions when used in high doses. One can also get addicted to THC, making it hard to stop. 

While eating cannabis and smoking it make you feel high, some differences exist. Below are some reasons why edibles are different from smoking THC. 

Smoked cannabis enters the lungs and gets absorbed into the bloodstream. Edible cannabis is processed in the stomach and liver. That means that the edible cannabis’ feel is much more substantial, and the effect lasts longer. 

Edible cannabis must be digested, taking up to about two hours to feel the effect lasting for about three hours. However, smoked cannabis typically peaks in about 10 minutes and only lasts about an hour. 

Smoked cannabis delivers around 50 to 60 percent THC into the body, while edibles provide about 10 to 20 percent. 

After smoking cannabis, the post-high crash can discourage you from using it as a therapeutic drug. It makes you feel exhausted and grumpy. The edibles’ actions are different because they act slowly, meaning you can use them many times a day. 

Health effects  

Another reason edibles are different from smoking THC is for consumers’ health. When you smoke marijuana, THC goes to the lungs, into the bloodstream then to your brain. The smoke irritates your lungs, letting you have difficulty when breathing. Its smoke can lead to severe lung infections and daily coughs. 

Edibles help you avoid smoke-related risks because they travel into your stomach, liver, bloodstream, and brain. The effect of edibles takes longer compared to smoked cannabis, which makes many people consume more than the intended dosage. 

THC is also associated with causing diseases such as bronchitis and inflammation of the lungs. Edible cannabis products are associated with side effects like mouth dryness, feeling sleepy and visual perception. 

Most people take and believe that weed is a herb that is natural and safe. The adverse physical and mental effects it causes are genuine. People react differently after using marijuana which risks them from side effects such as paranoia. After using marijuana for years, you can easily damage your lungs. 

There is a difference between smoking THC and edibles. It does not mean using it is safe.